Protect photos on Facebook, hide them or show them only to friends

Like all things posted on Facebook, you should think for a moment about who can see published photos and videos .
There are those who care about this aspect of online privacy and often renounce to publish personal photos or photos with children for fear that they may end up under the eyes of strangers who could do who knows what.
What many ignore is that photos on Facebook can be protected and can therefore only be visible to a few trusted people.
Whenever you create an album, publish a photo or add a video on Facebook, you can use the Privacy menu to select who can see it .
As already learned in the Facebook privacy guide options are as follows:
- Public : anyone can view the photo or album.
This does not necessarily mean that everyone can see the album because Facebook, in general, does not show photos to people who are not friends.
However, if someone searches for our name and happens on our profile, they will be able to see public photos.
You can still prevent strangers from finding us with the search by going to your account settings (from the top right button with the down arrow), to the privacy section, disabling all the options in the Who can search me section "> list of acquaintances Facebook.
- Only Me : it is the setting that makes Facebook photos protected, hidden and invisible to everyone except myself.
- Personalized : with this option it is possible to show the photo only to a person or only to a group of friends selected and included in a particular list such as that of the closest friends.
You can decide to share an album only with the people present at the party or only to friends without work colleagues.
Anyone who has never made changes to Facebook's privacy settings should know that by default everything published, including photos and videos, is publicly visible.
Facebook provides a convenient tool for checking privacy and making quick changes to Facebook's privacy settings.
Another way to protect photos, entire albums or videos is to share them in a private Facebook group.
So, for example, our baby's video can only be shared with the family, in the private group created.
your children playing may be of interest only to people in your family. If you have a group for your family, you can share it from the group's Action box, and therefore only people in the group will be able to see it.
In another article, the guide on how to create a group on Facebook
Another aspect of the privacy of Facebook photos are photos posted by other people, where we are tagged .
Another article explains how to "tag" photos and check the tags on Facebook .
The important thing is to set the authorization for the tags, so that you can always know when someone tags us and, possibly, refuse them.
The photo will not be visible to our friends until the tag is approved.
Keep in mind that in the photos of others where we are present, privacy is that set by the person who published the photo and that these will still be visible to their friends.
In the account settings, in the diary and tags section, you can prevent these photos from appearing on our diary.
To protect the photos already published and prevent them from being visible to all or some friends, click on the Photos section from your profile.
You can then click on each individual photo and set the visibility and privacy level, or you can go to the album section, click on one and set the privacy by going to the edit section.
The privacy option is at the top of the album page.
The privacy of the photos can also be changed from the activity log, which can be accessed from the profile page.
You can hide each photo from the diary and set a different visibility.
For the photos published by the smartphone, the settings are the same, only there is an addition: geolocation.
To prevent others from knowing where the photo was taken, before publishing it, press the X at the bottom right of the location row.
Finally, the big question: Can you prevent others from downloading photos posted on Facebook?
The answer is no, each visible photo can be downloaded by downloading or simply saving it as an image by pressing on it with the right button.
Whenever you upload a photo to Facebook, you decide to give Facebook and its users permission to use it and you can't stop them from downloading them.
It is therefore important to check the permissions on Facebook as seen in this article.
READ ALSO: How to download images and photo albums from Facebook

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