Pop-ups and audio notifications for Gmail in Chrome and Firefox

If you use Gmail as your primary email service and Chrome as your browser, you have many advantages due to the fact that they are both developed by Google.
For example, you can activate Gmail Offline or activate Google Hangouts.
The most important extension that must be installed if you use Chrome or Firefox with Gmail is called Gmail Checker Plus because it allows you to use Chrome as an email client and receive pop-up notifications on the desktop, even with sound, when new ones arrive messages .
Pop-up notifications work even when the Gmail window is closed, so it becomes perfect for staying connected to Gmail without having to keep it open every moment.
The Gmail Checker Plus extension for Chrome can be downloaded for free from the Google WebStore (also available for Firefox ) and is very rich in options and customizations.
The extension automatically recognizes the accounts that have already been logged in and shows at the top a Gmail icon that is colored when you have unread messages and shows the number of these.
Pressing the extension button you can preview the unread messages and immediately mark them as read.
In the box you can press on the Email address to open the Gmail site in a new tab or you can press the Compose key to quickly write a new message.
There is also a button to open the contact list and search.
By default, the button opens the preview window, but you can change this option.
Right click on the extension button to access Checker Plu s options.
The options are divided into various tabs and you can then choose how to view the notifications, which accounts and labels can send notifications, the display of buttons and their behavior in the general section.
The main options are those of audio notifications and general ones.
Make sure " Rich notification " is selected to be able to quickly delete or mark as read an email received from the notification pop-up and try the audio notification that can read the text of the subject of the email if you are away from your computer.
The reading of the e-mail takes place automatically after a certain chosen period, from 15 seconds to two minutes, that the computer is not touched.
Among the options in the notifications section you can also choose to receive pop-ups even if Chrome is closed.
In Generali you can choose to open the mailto links : with Gmail, to have the 24 hour format and to mark the emails previewed as read.
Checker Plus is a flexible and effective tool to check Gmail emails, absolutely essential and much better than Google's Gmail Checker extension.
In addition to its notification functions, it supports multipl i accounts, is capable of assigning photos to contacts and allows you to exclude some Gmail labels from checking.
READ ALSO: Best extensions for Gmail on Chrome and Firefox

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