Get an email address with custom domain

Everyone who works in an office has an email address like .
If you do not work in a company and it has not been created previously, there may be difficulties in customizing your Email address, both because changing addresses can become problematic, and because most of the addresses have already been taken by other users.
Then there are people who, perhaps for privacy reasons, do not want to spread an e-mail address consisting of name and surname.
If you use the three best webmail services: Google mail (Gmail), Yahoo Mail or Hotmail, you can customize your address in various ways, even without creating a new one.
1) In Gmail, an address, once taken, even if expired or disabled, will no longer be available to anyone else, never again.
In addition, in Gmail addresses do not consider points: for example, c is the same as or .
If you want to create a new email account with Gmail you can still use a little imagination, using the initials, original nicknames or putting dashes between words.
with Gmail, the only way to use a different personalized email address from the same account is by using the + operator.
An address like can be turned into and will be the same, or can become .
However, if you really want to get a real, unique and personalized email address, with your name or pseudonym, you can open a new Gmail address using Google Apps .
G Suite for domains offers all the services obtainable with a standard Google account (Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Google+, etc.), however associated with a website.
At the price of 40 Euros per year, you can register your domain and set up Gmail as an email client.
By buying a free domain, for example, you can then get an email address like or you can use any other word without any risk that it is already taken.
over 100 addresses can be created that end with @
Gmail in Google Apps is the same as normal Gmail and, if you want to keep the old address, you can always set up automatic forwarding of emails.
A personalized email address can also be obtained by purchasing a domain with Google Domains .
2) Yahoo Mail and Hotmail allow instead to add other mail addresses besides the main one and use them normally.
On this topic I had already written the guide in the post: Create aliases in Hotmail and Yahoo Mail.
3) In any case and any e-mail service you use, you can get a new and personalized e-mail address as you want on the website. is one of the best websites for creating a virtual and online business card as a personal web page.
You can then register for free a new domain such as, for example, and then activate the Email service by obtaining the address .
You can then turn incoming messages to this new mailbox and write messages by associating and synchronizing this address with Gmail, Yahoo Mail or Hotmail, with automatic forwarding and options to send and receive mail from other email services .
Finally, I remember the best email services to create an Email address .

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