Facebook chat notifications on PC as on Messenger

On the site, Facebook chat is omnipresent.
Unless it is deactivated, once Facebook is opened it is known online automatically available in chat for those who want to contact us.
If you close Facebook, the chat disappears.
On the Android mobile phone and on the iPhone, the Facebook Messenger application works in the background keeping the user always online even if the app is not kept open.
In practice and messaging are intertwined so well that some people do
When you receive a chat message on Facebook Messenger, the smiley face of the person who contacted us appears and just touch the smiley face to respond quickly without having to open the main app.
Facebook Messenger chat faces can also be had on the PC using Google Chrome and by installing a special extension .
READ ALSO: Facebook Web Messenger to chat from the PC browser as from a mobile phone
Blue Messenger is an extension for Google Chrome that brings Facebook chat to your PC, to always stay online in chat on Facebook and see online contacts and messages in a column on the right.
The extension also works well for group chats by showing participants' bubbles.
If you want something simpler, you can always install the official extension for Chrome Facebook Notifications to receive notifications for every message received on the Messenger chat, even if the browser is closed.
In another article: Use Facebook from Chrome with notification extensions, chats and messages

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