Notification when a contact uses Whatsapp and is online in chat

Until recently, it was impossible not to show others your online presence in Whatsapp on Android smartphones (on iPhone this option has always existed)
If you accessed Whatsapp you always left a mark and the time of last online access that other contacts could see by touching our name.
As reported, now you can hide the "last access" to Whatsapp so as not to let you know when it was the last time the application was used, but since in this way you can not even see the access of others, not nobody does it.
In the end, therefore, this option does not use anyone and who uses Whatsapp already knows that he must agree to let people know when he was last online (unless you use applications to remain invisible and hide on Whatsapp )
Having said that, here we see a nice app to be even more informed about our best friends and the contacts we care about most.
Not only can you see when a contact has been online, but you can receive an alert notification on your mobile phone (Android) to find out when it is online and use Whatsapp in real time .
The application is called WhatsDog and does nothing but send a notification when it "sees" that a specific contact has connected .
In practice, when the date of last access is updated on Whatsapp.
This application works only if the contact has not hidden the date and time of last access, which, as written above, does not do anyone for obvious reasons.
However, WhatsDog has many limitations, first of all the ability to monitor only one number .
Once the application is started, you are asked which contact number to check to receive notifications when connecting to Whatsapp.
Once this is done, you just have to wait and receive the notice.
The app will also provide statistics on this person's logins, showing a graph and a calendar.
there are some settings to remove notifications and a button at the top to open Whatsapp directly.
WhatsDog can be downloaded for free from the Second Lemon developer site as an apk file (the app has been removed from the Google Play store).
The download of the apk file can be done directly from the smartphone.
For installation it is necessary, in the security settings, to enable unknown sources .
READ ALSO: Whatsapp: Cheats and secrets of chat on Android and iPhone

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