Hide someone's posts from Facebook for 30 days

On Facebook it has always been possible to stop following a friend who publishes things we don't like reading or who disturbs our home with too many interventions that we don't care about.
To stop following a friend is a good solution not to participate in the discussions of someone we have on the friends list, who we do not want to take away from friends even in order not to be rude or offensive.
The result is that he will never know that we have stopped following him and will continue to publish what he wants without annoying us.
To this possibility, Facebook has now added another less drastic solution, which allows us to pause the reception of updates from a person, only temporarily .
In practice, if a friend becomes boring with monothematic topics, you can temporarily hide him from our Facebook for a month.
This can be particularly useful to block the political friend under elections, to block the ultras friend after the victory of something, not to make us die of envy because of the holiday photos published every day by someone or even to temporarily clean up the page blocking almost all friends in a non-permanent way.
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The new Snooze button, like the one to ring the alarm after a few minutes, allows you to pause for 30 days the appearance of this person's updates on our Facebook Home feed .
For 30 days, therefore, we will no longer see his name and what he writes, keeping it hidden unless we go right to his profile.
To use the pause button for 30 days, just click on the button with three dots located on the top right corner of each update box on the main Facebook page.
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