Online pharmacies to look for medicines and drugs with price and active ingredients

Let's go back to the navigaweb section useful with new health reports.
If I had already reported several interactive websites where to get diagnosed online from the symptoms of the diseases, now we see instead several Italian websites that become really important when looking for drugs and medicines, to see active ingredients, side effects, names and price. .
First of all, since we are also talking about medical prescriptions, I remember that by 2010 the program of electronic prescriptions should be activated so that it will no longer be necessary to go to the doctor to obtain it.
The electronic medical prescription will be a damnation for old doctors who are unable to use the computer but, certainly, a facility for all their patients and, hopefully, also a saving in terms of wasted paper and efficiency.
Without going into further comments for something that does not yet exist, let's see what is there today, where to find information on drugs and be prepared when you go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine you need to treat ailment.
On the internet there are real search engines for medicines based on many criteria and, above all, in Italian.
1) The FederFarma site is the site of pharmacists where you can search for pharmacies and drugs .
As for the search for medicines, you can search for the product's ministerial code, name, manufacturer and active ingredient and then filter the results whether or not the recipe for purchase is needed.
Looking for information, for example, for aspirin, you will find all types of aspirin on the market with the price.
2) On the Pharmaceutical Handbook site there is a handbook that I believe is promoted by the Ministry of Health.
You can search for medicines by name, manufacturer and active ingredient and then get the entire list of available drugs.
The sale price is also provided for each result.
3) To find out all about the active ingredients of each drug you can go to the website which presents a detailed card of all the active ingredients, searchable by the internal search engine or by browsing the various categories on the left.
For each of them there is a real instruction sheet that lists the uses to be made of the medicines with that active ingredient and the side effects .
4) The guide to the use of drugs is a real medical manual from which it is possible to find all the information on the various pathologies, arranged in order in different categories.
There are also therapeutic indications and a summary on the treatment to be done in case you suffer from a given disease.
Entering the site it seems to be in an online hospital and on the left column there are the clinical areas: Neurology, Ophthalmology, Dentistry, Psychiatry, Infectious diseases, endocrinology, ENT, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, pregnancy, kidney failure and so on.
5) On the generic drugs website there is a medicine search engine that finds the best price for the same drug, produced by several pharmaceutical companies.
I don't know how much it is worth saving on medicines but, for non-serious things, maybe it can become useful.
6) Always on the subject of savings, the site on equivalent drugs, the non-commercial ones whose name is that of the active substance, may be useful.
Finally, I strongly advise against looking for and buying medicines on the internet because the risk of finding yourself with a counterfeit drug is very high.

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