Best apps and maps to find Pokemon

The phenomenon of the Pokemon Go game shows no sign of slowing down and continues to increase day by day, favored by summer, by travel and by the fact that everyone talks about it and everyone wants it.
Among the Pokemon coach players there are two types, the maniacs who want to find them all as quickly as possible and make them evolve to become the best and the calmest ones, who play when they can, for relaxation and fun as an end in itself, without the ambition to be number one.
While the best ones already know everything, for occasional and less assiduous players there may be some useful apps to facilitate the game and support to find the Pokemon as they are distributed in the world, to know where they are all without waiting to see them appear on the screen, including the rarer ones .
Pokemon GO is certainly a demanding game, but thanks to the help of radar apps, maps and other notification tools it can become simpler (but without cheating with cheats).
The two best map apps to help us find Pokemon around are PokeVision and Pokeradar.
The PokeRadar map, available online and as an app for Android (to be downloaded as an apk by clicking the help link at the top right of the site), is a site like Google Maps where you can find the location of the Pokemon, reported by other users.
The map allows you to search for rare Pokemon anywhere in the world and you can also set a filter to see where only a certain type of Pokémon is found. The map is powered by Pokémon Go players, so false reports are also possible.
Fortunately, for each Pokemon that appears on the map you can click to find a kind of feedback, that is, the number of other trainers who found the indication useful.
For each Pokemon it is also written when it was captured, so you know what time of day it is best to look for it.
Even better is the Pokemon Live Go map which is not a website, but a program to download for Windows PC.
To use this extraordinary program, download it by pressing the green button in the upper right corner and choose to download the ZIP file.
Extract the ZIP and then search for the executable file to launch the map.
Pokevision is a similar app that is not based, however, on player reports, but on Niantic APIs in order to view the current positions of the Pokemon and how long they will be there .
PokéVision is therefore able to show exactly where the Pokémon are now.
The only flaw is that you can't do a search by filtering Pokemon by type and that it's only available online, not as a mobile app.
Obviously such a tool takes away much of the fun of finding Pokemon, but it's a great help.
Other maps are on the Pokefind website which uses a different approach and always allows you to filter the map according to the Pokemon sought.
The Mapokemon site instead allows you to find Pokestops and Gyms and know where they are all over the world.
An exceptionally useful app for everyone is PokeNotify, which once installed on the Android smartphone allows you to receive notifications whenever there is a Pokemon nearby ready to be captured.
You can also apply a filter so that you are only warned if we are close to rare and legendary Pokemon.
This application has been removed from the Google Play store, but you can still download it from the Reddit website (click on the word here of the first intervention).
Alternatively, try the Notifications for Pokemon GO app very similar and available on the reliable and secure APKMirror site.
Finally, the Poke Mesh app for Android is the best app to see a real time map with the location of Pokemon around the world and nearby.
READ ALSO: Pokemon Go tricks and guide to find, catch and evolve Pokemon

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