Extensions to scroll the pages of a site automatically

Normally, when you do a search on Google, for example, 10 results per page and to see the following sites, you have to go to the second page.
Although in the advanced options you can choose to display up to 100 results, it is still necessary, to see the following, click on the Next button.
The same thing happens for blogs, forums and online newspapers, where the news is listed from top to bottom and where, to read and watch older articles, you need to click the appropriate button.
For example, in this blog, on the home page there are the last seven posts and to see the previous ones you have to click on "older posts" at the bottom.
In many other cases, for example if you use company web applications in which you browse lists of a database, it is most likely not possible to view all the items on the same page.
READ ALSO: Automatic Auto-Scroll down a site
In this article we see how to navigate websites by making sure that blog posts, forum posts, lists and search results, all appear on the same page and are visible immediately, without having to click any "Next" or " following".
Obviously to do this and put a whole site on a page by scrolling vertically, you need the usual extensions that can be installed on Firefox or Google Chrome .
This time, however, we also see a solution for Internet Explorer because this function greatly facilitates internet browsing and makes it faster to scroll the pages of the same site.
There are two extensions available for Google Chrome and Firefox and they are very similar except for a small detail.
The first is Autopagerize, an extension only for Google Chrome that automatically and quickly loads the following page of a website .
Scrolling vertically, for example, a Google search results page, after the tenth result, a line appears and then the second page from the eleventh result.
Scrolling down with the mouse wheel, you go to the third page and so on until the last available result.
The advantage is evident, if the results are all together, you can have an immediate glance on what you are interested in finding and, in case, after having loaded more than 100 results quickly, you can do the search on the page (CTRL- F) and highlight the words concerned.
Even on blogs and forums, it becomes a quick way to scroll through the titles and posts without having to click anything and without any browser refresh.
For articles divided into several pages, it becomes a way of scrolling vertically all on the same page and this is very useful in case you want to print or copy it .
The second alternative is PageZipper, an extension for Firefox and a bookmarklet for Internet Explorer .
Like Autopager, PageZipper is useful in situations where you are interested in copying entire web pages and viewing complete articles or long lists of data, automatically, without pressing the "Next" button to go through the article.
This program works well in articles or ads that have the "next" or "forward" link to move to the next page, including search results.
However, it does not work in articles or pages that do not use "Next" but have a personalized navigation system with javascript.
Download PageZipper Google Chrome
Download PageZipper Firefox
To choose which of the two extensions to use, the main difference must be noted: PageZipper reloads the following page of the site in its entirety, thus including headers and more of the page (e.g. for Google, the search box is replicated) while Autopager lists only the subsequent posts or announcements by extending the page without reloading the rest.
This means that if you have to print or copy and paste, Autopager is much better, and it is also much faster, but PageZipper works with many more websites that Autoapger can't do anything about.
For Internet Explorer only PageZipper via Bookmarklet works .
The bookmarklet (see here the best bookmarklets to add functions to the browser) is in fact a button to add to the bookmarks bar that performs an action.
Unfortunately, on Internet Explorer you have to press the PageZipper button to see everything on a page while with the extensions of Firefox and Chrome this function becomes automatic.
This type of extension enters right among the best extensions for Chrome and among the best Firefox plugins, which I recommend installing and using.

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