Clipboard history in Windows 10 with PC synchronization

One of the best features added to Windows 10 with version 1809 is that of clipboard history, something that had been really awaited for years and that we can finally have on our PC.
Although most people ignore the meaning of Clipboard or Clipboard in Windows, it is a feature that we all use every day, practically at the base of every job we do on the PC: copy and paste .
When copying and pasting a text or word using the CTRL-C CTRL-V key combination or even using the right mouse button menu, the copied content is written by the system to the clipboard, so that it is can then be pasted into a document or text field.
The problem is that these clipboards in Windows have always remained invisible and hidden.
Furthermore, without the history, any copied content disappears if you restart your computer and then every time you copy a text or image, a previous one that is irremediably lost.
For those who often use the copy and paste of words or texts, this basic behavior of the Windows clipboard has always been limiting and, for this reason, it was necessary to install an external program (see the programs to manage the notes of the copy, cut and paste in Windows).
In Windows 10, finally, there is the copy and paste clipboard history function, with the additional possibility of synchronizing this history between the devices (Clipboard Cloud), which is convenient for those who work on two or more PCs, perhaps at home and in the office.
To activate the clipboard history in Windows 10, which is deactivated by default, you need to open the Start menu, go to Settings> System and then find the new section called Clipboard in the left column.
In Clipboard there are only two options, one to activate the history, the other to activate the synchronization of the clipboard on all devices, which makes use of the Microsoft cloud.
At this point, activating both options, we will have two important results:
The first is that it is possible to recover any selection of text to which the Copy was made .
The clipboard history then becomes like a block where you can store parts of text that you want to reuse, just like a real sheet of notes.
For example, if you find a text from which to select only a few sentences, you can scroll it and press the CTRL-C keys several times in different points to then find the text contents chosen on the clipboard and paste them, where necessary, if necessary.
At any time you can open the history of copied notes by pressing the Windows-V keys together (while with CTRL-V you paste the last copied text).
In the history window, just press on one of the notes to keep it ready to be pasted.
There is no limit to the amount of notes copied and stored, so the list can also be very long after some time.
From the clipboard box you can press the Delete key to delete everything or press the X on a clipboard box to delete only the selected one.
Restarting your computer clears the Clipboard box and clears everything.
Saving the copy and paste notes in Windows 10 also works for images, if copied from an image viewer (it does not work for images copied from websites) and also when you press the Stamp button to take a screenshot.
To make sure that the notes are kept even after a restart and even after pressing to delete everything, you need to open the clipboard history, move the mouse over the ones to be kept and press the pushpin icon.
The second option of the Windows 10 Settings is that which activates the synchronization of the notes between various devices allows you to find the texts copied from a computer, even on other Windows 10 computers and connected smartphones .
In order for this synchronization to work, the same Microsoft account must be used on the PCs used for login.
The only downside to this option is that the copied text and images are sent to Microsoft's servers, which could be a privacy issue.

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