Create sculptures and 3D graphic models with the Sculptris program, easy and free

When it comes to 3D drawing on the computer, I'm sure many feel urticaria and immediately turn the page.
I am among them, I am without any experience in 3D drawing through software and I don't even know how to draw with a pencil.
The best 3D graphics programs, although not all of them are paid, require a considerable effort of understanding and study before seeing something that makes sense.
I remember, for example, that when I tried Blender, the best free 3D modeling and animation program, I spent an hour trying to understand how it was used, with results very close to zero.
In fact, I had been unable to combine anything.
But the best programs aren't necessarily the most powerful; to meet those who want to create without becoming graphics professionals, we need more intuitive and simple to use tools .
Sculptris is a wonderful and free program that allows anyone to create three-dimensional figures worthy of the best graphics professionals.
As the name of this small software calls, it serves to create virtual sculptures .
In practical terms it means that with Sculptris you can draw three-dimensional figures but not animations as you can do with the more complicated Blender.
This time I really advise everyone to give it a try because, I'm sure, it will have a lot of fun and will stimulate everyone's imagination, without straining the mind to understand how it's done.
Sculptris is easy to use and user-friendly ; I am not saying this as a computer expert but as a perfect ignorant of programs of this type and digital graphics.
After downloading the program, without even needing to install it, you start it and you see, at the center of the interface, a round sphere, as if you had a block of clay ready to be modeled .
The material to be sculpted can also be changed so the figure will have different colors.
A variety of tools are provided to make the art of clay sculpting easy.
You can pull, push, pinch, rotate and do just about anything you could do with a chisel on a piece of clay.
The important thing to note and consider carefully is the symmetry of the operations .
By default, you see a line that crosses the sphere in the center.
It so happens that every operation that is performed on one half of the sphere, is replicated in a mirror way on the other side therefore, if for example you go to sculpt a face or a head, you will only have to sculpt an ear, an eye etc.
With Sculptris not only can faces and faces be sculpted but it is also possible (by pressing CTRL -N) to model a full figure body, an animal or anything else that comes to mind.
The orientation of the program is to encourage the creation of biological models, therefore of faces, faces, living bodies.
This thing must be underlined in order not to confuse this program with those similar to Google Sketch'up which are mainly used to draw buildings in 3D.
Once you have finished sculpting the character with the mouse, you can save it or paint it .
In this second case, a new panel of controls and brushes will open for painting and decorating the 3D digital statue.
This tool works on all Windows computers, it is easy to use, fast to load and not at all heavy on the video card of even older PCs.
Since I have the certainty that both fans and simple curious people will like it, before starting to work to sculpt a statue or a head, make sure you have at least a couple of hours free.
If you are still not convinced, I recommend you watch the presentation video.

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