Create automatic replies to emails with facsimiles

This is not an automatic reply, that is simple, it is in the options of any e-mail service or program and can be configured with filters, in mdo which, depending on the sender and the subject, is answered in a certain way already preconfigured.
In this case, it is a matter of creating message templates to be used as predefined but variable responses .
The area is certainly the working one, where maybe you receive confirmation emails or where you have to request jobs or tasks from the support centers, always using the same formal formula .
The software that creates message templates or "facsimiles" can be a very advantageous alternative to avoid rewriting the same things every time, so as to automate the process of writing the messages .
Typically, for such operations, one prepares a text file that acts as a facsimile, in which only the name of the recipient and perhaps some other data changes.
In this case, a facsimile generator is obtained which can reach even a very deep level of detail.
For example, you can add different introductions, different courtesy formulas, different forms of greetings and so on, to be used depending on the recipient of the message or the subject.
A letter could be generated simply by selecting the pre-written points and adapting them for the specific case .
Once created, the program allows you to assemble them with a simple interface made up of control boxes and radio boxes.
The Form Letter Machine program therefore helps to write letters and e-mails by mixing already written notes.
It is useful for people who regularly need to send similar e-mails, which include different components in different circumstances.
In this way it is possible to compose a message by making a collage between various pieces of text and between paragraphs already written, each personalized for a specific type of response.
The program is initially in English but gives the possibility to customize it all by going to the " Edit Configuration tree " menu item.
From here you can set the various categories in order to organize different types and formulas "facsimiles" indicating when and for what purpose they should be used.
It is practically like creating guided writing procedures, for themselves or to support the training of other people.
A preview of the message can be seen in real time in the center of the window and allows you to see how it is composed.
For more advanced use, the program also supports user- defined variables, so you can quickly customize the model with a name or other specific data.
Among the pre-configured variables, there are the temporal ones, date, month, day, hour, year and so on which are based on the computer clock.
For example, if you look at the example message that appears the first time you open the program, you will notice the incipit with "Dear% Name%" written on it.
At the top you can change the Name variable to the name to really use.
Once the message has been configured just press the "Copy to Clipboard" button at the bottom and then open your email client and paste the copied text.
Form Letter Machine is a free program for Windows, very simple, suitable for those who work a lot with e-mails and for professional use.
Download Form Letter Machine

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