Control Android from PC in 8 possible ways

Mirroring the screen of the Android phone on a larger monitor such as a TV or PC is very useful, especially for those who often work on the computer.
The main advantages are the ability to easily transfer Android device data to the Windows PC and the ability to manage notifications and write messages using the keyboard.
It also becomes a way to see the phone screen on a projector or to record screencasts.
There are several ways to control Android from PC, some that require the installation of an app, that work via wifi, with manual procedures and also some that do not even need an application, but only a program on PC that facilitate configuration.
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1) Direct connection of Android on Windows 10 PC with the Connect app
To use the Connect app, which is already installed on Windows 10 (from the version updated with Anniversary Update), you need a PC compatible with the Miracast transmission, which should be widespread, but not everyone has it (especially older PCs) ).
Trying to see if it works to control our smartphone is very easy and immediate, just open the Connect app by looking for it with this name in the Start menu (writing the name with the keyboard in the search).
Then open Connect in Windows 10 and immediately switch to the Android smartphone where you need to start the screen transmission.
To do this, you can scroll the menu of controls on the notification bar to find the Cast or Cast or MirrorShare option (or other names depending on the manufacturer)
If the button is not found, you can search for the transmission function in the Android settings, finding it under the Device connection settings or under the Display Settings .
Then activate the Cast function on the phone, wait for the PC to be detected and the connection is made, the phone screen should appear on the PC.
For further instructions and to solve any connection problems, you can read the guide on how to use Windows 10 as a Miracast wifi receiver.
2) Use Airdroid
Airdroid is one of the easiest applications to use to manage an Android phone from your computer, free of charge, which also includes computer control.
It allows you to access and manage your phone from the screen windows, to back up files to smartphones to save them on PC, to transfer photos and other data and to manage notifications.
On how to control the phone from the computer with Airdroid I had already written a complete guide, which we are going to summarize here.
To use Airdroid you need to download the Android app from the Google Play Store and create a new account.
The app will show an IP address, to be copied and pasted on the PC's web browser (you don't have to download anything to your PC, just open Chrome or Firefox).
From the Airdroid user interface, you can then use all the operations you want on the phone and control Android from PC without particular configurations.
3) Mobizen Mirroring
Mobizen is an app specialized in controlling Android from your PC, easily access the call log, photos and videos.
Also this application does not require you to install anything on your PC and works well both to see the screen with the wifi connection, and for transferring files between smartphone and PC with a simple drag and drop.
Then download Mobizen from the Google Play Store, create an account and then log in to the website from your PC and log in with the same account.
Then write the 6-number code received and enter it on the Android app.
4) TeamViewer
Teaviewer is the number one app for remote control of your PC with your phone, which also has a function to control your phone from your PC by viewing the screen.
The TeamViewer Quicksupport application is free for Android and works by putting it in communication with the Teamviewer program, to be installed on the PC.
You can then control Android from your PC, see the screen and phone functions.
This application is mostly used to lend support to someone, not so much to check notifications or the screen.
6) Vysor
With this PC application (which is installed on Chrome) you can see the phone screen on the computer monitor and use it in real time, even if it only works via USB cable connection.
In another article the detailed guide to use Vysor and see the Android screen on PC.
7) Droid At Screen
With this program you can control your phone and see the screen on a PC without installing anything on Android.
To work, however, it is necessary to install, in addition to the Droid At Screen program, also Android Studio and, if not already installed, Java.
To download the necessary Android Studio files, you can download the ADB package which is what you need.
you have to run the android studio file to extract the files to a folder.
Then start Droid at Screen and in the top menu press ADB> ADB Executable Path indicating the path of the folder where the adb.exe file is located which is located under the adt-bundle-windows> sdk> plataform-tools folder.
On your smartphone you need to activate the option "USB debugging" in the Settings> Developer options.
In the end, the connection is made via USB cable and the Droid At Screen program will show the phone screen on the PC.
8) scrcpy
This tool allows you to connect to your Android phone from a PC either via cable or through the wifi connection, without installing anything on the phone.
The procedure is a bit laborious and requires before downloading the program from the project site on Github, choosing between the 32 bit version: or the 64 bit version scrcpy-win64-v1.2. zip .
On the Android phone you have to activate the developer options and then enable the USB Debugging option.
On the PC you must have the Android SDK package with the ADB file, to be downloaded as written in the previous point of this article.
From the scrcpy folder that contains ADB, find the adb.exe file, hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and right-click on it to see the " Open Powershell window from here " option appear.
In Powershell, type and run the cmd command and connect the smartphone to the computer via USB cable.
Then type the command adb devices and authorize the connection from the phone screen.
When the connection is complete, give the scrcpy command to see the phone screen on the PC.
The connection can also be made in wifi, finding the IP address of the mobile phone (from network connections or using an app like Fing).
Keeping the phone connected via USB, then type the command adb tcpip 5555
Disconnect the cable and type the command adb connect IP ADDRESS_telephone: 5555 .
Finally run the scrcpy command.
READ ALSO: Connect mobile phone or tablet to TV (Android, iPhone or iPad)

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