With ReactOS, a non-Microsoft Windows Open Source system is possible

One of the historical ambitions of many programmers has always been to remake Windows in an open source, free and free way.
Taking advantage of the Linux code, free and available to all, it was possible to create very similar distributions, at least in the graphic asept, to Windows, perhaps even with the same functionalities.
We saw, for example, how the Linux Zorin OS system could become a perfect replacement for Windows XP.
But Linux is Linux, while Windows is another thing that cannot be replicated unless you are Microsoft because the source code is protected and secret, a bit like the Coca Cola recipe.
The only project that still pursues this attempt to replicate an open source system identical to Windows is that of ReactOS, which started back in 2004, which now seemed abandoned, now returned with a new version, ReactOS 0.4.8.
What exactly is ReactOS "> ReactOS Italia and receive news and advice about it.
To get help and support there is an Italian forum dedicated to React OS very active.
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