How to get informed on the web, news aggregators, online newspapers or Twitter?

The monopoly of information by a narrow circle of newspapers is a problem that is highlighted by the rankings on press freedom in the world where Italy is reported to be very low.
Among the information channels our local blogs are probably neglected, very active in reporting and publishing uncomfortable news but very often little considered to people, both because they are still a novelty, and because they do not have an authority and a qualification that classifies their contents as truthful and serious.
In the United States, however, a blog like The Huffington Post has grown over time becoming more read and more popular than the Washington Post.
The most important difference between a newspaper and a blog is the ability for readers to confirm or deny what is published, something that is missing in most online newspapers.
Comments are therefore an added value that force bloggers not to spread false news and therefore become a clear sign of credibility.
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The problem, however, as mentioned in another article talking about the most visited sites and the most searched words, is that most of these blogs are hidden, difficult to find and are read by very few people.
To support them comes a category of websites that is spreading very quickly, that of the so-called news aggregators that contain excerpts or summaries of everything that is written on the internet, on professional blogs, on personal blogs and online newspapers.
From a conceptual point of view, a site that aggregates news could be the new frontier of the internet where surfers / readers could easily find all the information they need.
Who wants to have his say on the internet then could avoid the effort of writing on a blog of his own that maybe would be almost invisible on the internet and participate directly on these more or less free spaces.
These sites are very similar to social networks, each user has his own profile and can save the most interesting news on his page on the internet by sharing his preference with the rest of the community.
In some there is the voting mechanism whereby the best news is highlighted while the others end at the bottom.
If you think about it, however, these sites become a kind of news search engine, in the same way that Google search does with websites.
The favorite ones are brought up, on the one hand through a voting mechanism guided by the most present users, on the other by an automatic system.
The failure of an aggregator becomes evident when, if you frequent one for a while, you can see the news of the same users ahead of everyone, effectively nullifying the effort of the less experienced who just want to communicate their thoughts or share a page. interesting web.
These sites so rich in information become so prey to bloggers who want to bring people to visit their site and do not work so much to inform but more than anything else to promote.
A normal internet user who uses the web to find useful or funny things will hardly find satisfaction on one of these sites so full of stuff but so dispersive and not very organized; always better at this point to use Google and look at what it offers rather than getting lost in a coecervo of words and big headlines.
So how do you get out of this jungle?
For me, it is impossible to indicate a univocal and correct path; trying to be proactive and non-destructive, let's at least see what the best news aggregators are, who they can serve and for what topics.
The most popular in the world is certainly Google News, divided into categories and topics where news is automatically selected and not reported by users and readers.
Other breaking news sites and newspaper headlines have been listed in another article.
Several times in this blog I said that the best way to get informed is to use social networks and, in particular, the Twitter service.
Twitter is written not for profit, not for friends but for the whole world because, whatever is written, it can be found, in real time and in chronological order, on the Twitter Search portal.
Unfortunately, however, there is still no content organization, an effective filter to eliminate spam and a clear method of classifying the most relevant topics of a day.
The picture drawn indicates that there is still a lot of work to be done to make the web clearer and more democratic, simple to consult and complete.
Some know how to work and organize their favorite sites with online services like Feedly, but most people continue to prefer traditional online newspaper sources.
Although in another post I wrote about how to read the latest news in Italy, I await further answers from you on the question of which web resources to use to inform yourself impartially and without omissions, which sites you like to read, which are the most goals and who uses the aggregators listed above.

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