Google Spaces app to share links, sites and videos

Google today released a new application that wants to become an aid for sharing things on the internet in a small private group.
According to Google, it is very easy today to share links, photos or news in a public way or with many friends using apps such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, while instead it is more difficult to find a more collected sharing system, for a work group, to study or for a family.
Currently the most used app in this sense I think is Whatsapp, which allows you to chat and share files in a group of people.
Google is instead a new application to try, for free, which should make sharing files in a group more organized, providing a simple common environment that includes Google and Youtube search, in which to create categories and find all the files. or shared links in a simpler way.
UPDATE: Spaces is closed on April 17th 2017, not even a year after its launch.
The new Google application is called Spaces, which can be installed on Chrome for PC and Mac, on Android and iPhone and which is used to share articles, videos and images .
The most interesting peculiarity of this app, which at first glance seems nothing special, is that from Spaces you can search on Google and Youtube without ever leaving the application .
Basically, you can open a website, open a video, search for an image, directly in Spaces and share it in a group.
When someone shares something new from a space, it appears as in chats and you can see what the group is talking about without missing anything.
To find things shared in the past, just use the search within a Space, which being Google is very powerful and precise.
To create a new space in Spaces just touch a topic and then invite people via email, via Facebook or through any type of contact.
This application is clearly an experiment that Google is doing to find alternatives to the now deceased Google+, proposing something innovative, which if it will be difficult to succeed, it certainly deserves a try and can evolve into something better.
READ ALSO: Facebook Moments App to send photos privately on Android and iPhone

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