3 ways to read Whatsapp messages without opening them (and let the sender know)

WhatsApp is an application that has revolutionized the way we communicate by mobile phone, but which has also put us in the condition of being always available, which can be stressful.
Today it is difficult to tell someone that they have not read a message received on Whatsapp, especially because when a message is read the sender receives a notification in the form of the blue flag that appears next to the text and serves to know that the message has been viewed.
To read a message received without opening it and therefore without letting the sender know it, there are some tricks so that the two blue signs do not appear on the phone of the person who sent it and still have a minimum of chance to ignore it and be apologized in case of no response.
For those times when you prefer to read a message without letting the sender know, there are ways to view it without opening the Whatsapp app .
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Way 1: Go offline
This method is the one that involves disabling all Internet connections in order to prevent Whatsapp from working.
Without therefore opening the incoming message, cancel all notifications and immediately disable both the wifi and the cellular data connection.
To do this first, open Whatsapp, touch the chats with new messages and read them safely.
Once finished, exit WhatsApp and completely terminate the app (using the multitasking function, remove it on Android and iPhone)
After making sure that WhatsApp is completely closed, disable airplane mode.
The sender will not receive the blue check marks and the messages will remain marked as unread, since there is no internet connection and WhatsApp cannot communicate online.
This trick can be refined using some applications described in the guide to be invisible on Whatsapp to hide last access and read confirmation
Mode 2: reading notifications
The most banal and also the easiest and most immediate method is to read the messages received from the notification bar on iPhone and Android smartphones.
This is a convenient and functional way to read short messages without having to open the app and let the sender know it.
Logically, you should not touch the notification with the message you are reading on, otherwise Whatsapp will open immediately and the read confirmation will be sent.
Mode 3: Disable the read receipts
Anyone who cares a lot about privacy can permanently disable reading confirmations.
As already explained some time ago, it is possible to disable the reading confirmation and the blue ticks on Whatsapp by going to the application settings (in the lower right corner on iPHone and from the menu in the upper right corner on Android).
From the settings, go to " Account ", then tap on " Privacy " to find the option that deactivates the read receipts.
Keep in mind that disabling this option will also give up seeing if the messages sent by us have been read by those who receive them.
In addition, the function will still work within group chats, where the read confirmation can never be deactivated, for which messages it will still be necessary to use one of the two methods seen above to prevent the application from sending notifications to senders.
READ ALSO: Whatsapp: Cheats and secrets of chat on Android and iPhone

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