Check valid and existing email addresses

If you have to send an email and it comes back for an error, it may be that the email address is wrong.
If you receive a group of email addresses to send an invitation or regular news or email to, it may be helpful to first check that all emails are valid and accurate.
In all these cases and even if you receive someone's email address and you want to be sure that it is the real one, there are online tools and programs that can be used effectively to verify that they are valid emails, that is, that they are truly existing addresses .
This type of tool can also be useful for picking up and finding out a person's email address starting from their name, then trying to put together name.surname with the main providers Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Libero, Alice, TIM, Fastwebnet etc. (although it is also necessary that the name.surname is not common otherwise it may not be of the person you are looking for).
READ ALSO: Whose is an email address
The most immediate tool to use for checking the validity of email addresses is the EmailHippo site which allows you to easily check whether an address exists or not.
On this site it is also possible to check multiple addresses at once, by uploading a list from Excel files to the site even if this is a premium service, which you can only try for free once.
Email Checker is another similar site, which allows you to check if an email is true or if it does not exist, but it is simple and allows you to make individual validity checks.
To have a free tool that allows you to check the validity of groups of email addresses you can download the small program for Windows Mailchecker (no longer exists).
MailChecker is a very effective small utility which serves to check the existence and validity of e-mail addresses and which also supports multiple checking.
You can load an Excel or CSV file with the list of addresses or you can also enter the email addresses one after the other separated by a comma, semicolon or colons or even copy the contents of a text file instead.
Most email addresses are properly validated, except in some cases where the mail server refuses this connection.
In these cases, the program itself shows a warning and it becomes necessary to try with another verification service such as those seen above.
Once validation has completed, valid addresses can be copied to an Excel file.
The operation of this email validation tool is to make a request to the SMTP email server trying to see if it replies with an OK or if it does not exist when it replies with a "not found" or if it does not respond properly.
In the latter case, it may be that the server does not exist or that it exists but does not trust the application and does not allow a validity check.
Alternatively, we have already seen in another article the eTools program to check if an email address exists and track a site .
READ ALSO: Find from where an Email is sent to trace the sender from the email address

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