Play songs on the guitar following chords and videos on this site

Many people have a guitar at home but they can't play it except to strum those 4 bonfire songs on the beach.
learning to play the guitar is a difficult, but rewarding and fun hobby that would require some study and, above all, a lot of practice.
If you don't have time or money or want to follow a real guitar course, you can resort to some programs and websites that manage to guide you in reading the chords that become only to be imitated and followed to play.
A new special website has gone further and proposes itself as a kind of karaoke for the guitar or for the piano, showing, in real time and with a video, which keys and which chords to play, showing where exactly to put your fingers and for how much time .
The Riffstation website therefore allows you to have fun and play any song without having to be a guitar expert and without needing to know the notes .
Simply go to the site, search for a song or artist and play along the chords and the video .
Below the video, the strings to be touched are indicated while the chords, with the position of the fingers to be held, are drawn alongside.
It is also possible to adjust the chords by pressing the " Capo " button on the right.
Under the chord box, on the right, you can choose to play a guitar or keyboard.
The nice thing is that the site is capable of creating the chord diagram for many songs and not just the most popular ones.
For example, you can search for Vasco Rossi and play one of his songs by pressing the Get Chords button.
There are certainly limits in this approach: the power with which to play is not marked and there is no indication of the rhythm to follow even if there is the video of the song, taken from Youtube.
The site can be used, to become more expert, in combination with other web apps to play the guitar following the notes on the computer .
READ ALSO: Learn to play the guitar for free with interactive lessons and courses

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