Extend your Android battery life to the fullest

For all of us, the cell phone battery lasts too little!
In many cases not even a whole day arrives and in the most serious cases we arrive in the evening with the phone off and dead.
Typically the battery of almost all smartphones has a charge that lasts a full day and no more with normal use.
We have seen, in another article, why the battery of the smartphone lasts so little underlining how it is a physiological problem due to the increasingly large screens, the increasingly powerful processors and the increasingly heavier applications that consume energy.
In this guide we see all that can be done to extend the battery on an Android phone to the maximum, to squeeze it to the last drop, when it is almost running out.
Some tips and tricks may seem obvious, others are more hidden but it becomes really important to remember them when, at the end of the day, the battery charge shows 10% or less.
For all Android smartphones, including those with the latest version, the following tricks apply to maximize battery life .
READ ALSO: Increase battery life on iPhones, mobile phones and smartphones
1) Battery saving mode
First of all it is important to know that who has a smartphone with the latest versions of Android (from 6 onwards), then who has a Samsung Galaxy or a Sony, Motorola or Huawei has the automatic power saving function.
When the battery charge drops below a certain threshold, below 10% or 5%, extreme energy savings are activated to extend battery life, ensuring at least the possibility of making and receiving calls.
Just check the Battery menu or the Energy Saver menu, so you can adopt the most suitable saving mode.

2) Reduce the brightness and make sure that the screen does not stay on unnecessarily .
The screen is primarily responsible for a discharged battery: the longer it is kept on, the brighter it is, the shorter the charging time.
Maintaining a screen brightness of 50% or less will make your Android phone last longer on.

The change of brightness can be done quickly with the energy saving widget, which should be present in every phone (alternatively, install an app of switches and activation widgets as power toggles).
To save some energy, the automatic or adaptive brightness setting works decently, especially if you stay a lot at home or indoors.
Instead, the automatic brightness becomes disabled if the charge is low and you want to extend it to the maximum.
The other important option in the display settings is the sleep option, to adjust the length of time the screen stays on if you don't touch the shutdown button.
It is usually set to 30 seconds, but it can also drop to 15.
3) Understand which apps consume the most
In the Android settings, you can go to the Battery -> Battery use section to find the apps that consume the most energy.

Usually we can avoid the consumption indicated for Android systems, but we can check if there are other apps that consume battery, in particular among those still active in memory.
To get a more precise and complete overview, there are also some apps to find out which apps are killing the battery on the Android phone.
4) Disable NFC and Bluetooth
Bluetooth is usually not active by default and can be turned on and off with a touch on the energy saving widget (see point 2); obviously if we often use Bluetooth devices we can also leave it on, but generally we can turn it off regardless of the ease with which it can be reactivated (except in the case in which we must receive notifications on a smartband or on a smartwatch).

NFC could instead be active by default and, since most likely you do not use it, better disable it to save even more energy; to do this, go to Settings -> Wireless and networks -> NFC .
Obviously if we use contactless electronic payments or any other NFC-compatible device, we can also consider leaving it on.
5) Use dark backgrounds
This trick extends battery life only on AMOLED-type phones.
We talked about this in another article on how you can save battery on your mobile phone with a black background.
6) Turn off GPS and location monitoring
GPS consumes a lot of battery and should only be activated when using the satellite navigator.
To activate and deactivate GPS you can use the Widget or the control button from the notification bar.
On Android, in the settings, you can also activate a low consumption geo-location mode that can be kept active always, but that should be deactivated to extend the battery life when it is almost empty.

To turn off location tracking by going to Settings -> Location where you can also turn off Google location history.
7) Deactivate unnecessary gestures and characteristics
On some smartphones there may be additional features such as gestures or other things that, if not used, should be deactivated since they can weigh down the operating system and increase the consumption of electricity.
Usually these additional functions can be configured in Settings -> Advanced or in Screen and touch .
8) Turn off unnecessary vibrations and sounds
Android phones are capable of vibrating when unlocked, when writing and also on other occasions depending on the application.
It is called tactile feedback and is useful for having the sensation of pressing a button.
The problem is that vibrations, as well as sounds, consume battery energy.
To deactivate the battery-sucking vibrations go to Settings -> Sounds and notifications -> Other sounds, to turn off the keypad tones, the sounds on pressing and the vibration on pressing.

9) Keep fewer widgets
Widgets are great for seeing various types of information on the screen without opening the related application, such as weather or daily news.
The problem is that they also consume energy, therefore, if you want to extend the charge to the maximum, you need to remove them or keep them as little as possible (certainly keep energy savings).
10) Remove the animations
Animations and transition effects while scrolling through the various screens consume battery power on the mobile phone.
In another article, we explained how to disable animations on Android.
11) Battery optimization
In Android, battery optimization is activated by default.
We explained this function and how to activate it also on other Android versions in the article on Android battery optimization.
Some of these controls can become automatic using an app to save battery on Android phones or even an app to automate Android.
12) Conclusion
In addition to these tips, it is also important to know something about the batteries of the mobile phone and, therefore, read how to keep the charge in the batteries of electronic devices, avoiding, for example, to always discharge it completely (the complete discharge must be done once in a while to calibrate battery).
If the battery often runs out before the end of the day despite having turned off everything possible, a different solution may be convenient, such as an additional battery for the smartphone, a portable charger or even a hand crank or solar charger.

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