Online shops to shop and buy food and drinks via the internet

In Italy still today there is a certain diffidence in buying online, in particular if we have to enter the data of a credit card or debit card on sites that we do not trust. The recurring fear perhaps stems from the fact that you cannot look the seller in the face and tend to think that you can be easily screwed.
Compared to many years ago , shopping on the Internet is much safer, there are more and more services that act as intermediaries with the seller (for example PayPal) and with very few precautions it is possible to avoid many scams.
In the United States, everything is bought online: not only electronics products but also clothes and food products .
As for the actual shopping (ie food and drinks), from today we can buy typical regional products or everyday products through online stores where you can shop for food and drinks as if you were at the supermarket!
The best online stores to shop and buy food and drinks
We have decided to collect all the services to shop online and to buy food and drinks below, all we have to do is arm ourselves with a credit card or prepaid card and start shopping. The products will be carefully packaged and shipped to your home as quickly as possible, in some cases it only takes a few hours (especially for large distribution chains, who may send you the package from their nearest shop or supermarket). Let's now discover the best online stores to shop and buy food and drinks.
1) Amazon

For a while now you can buy food on Amazon, with very competitive prices for many products (including food and drinks). In addition to the classic purchases, we can also take advantage of Amazon Pantry products, where you can order a large box (to be filled with all the shopping) and pay the shipping of 4 Euros for everything.
We can access the food and Amazon Pantry section from here -> Amazon Pantry .
In addition to Amazon Pantry, you can shop on Amazon also through the Prime Now service, reserved for Prime customers, which has many advantages including: free shipping for costs over 50 Euros, fresh products, same day delivery Sunday.
2) Carrefour

It can also be purchased online on the Carrefour website, one of the largest supermarket chains in Italy.
In this case, you can create a trolley that will be prepared by the shop assistants and can be collected in the nearest supermarket without paying anything more or you can also choose to have your shopping bags brought home, paying a small amount that you cancel for spending over 70 Euros.
Carrefour is certainly a convenient service to save time in shopping.
We can shop online at Carrefour from here -> Carrefour online shopping.
3) Peck

Among the most refined shops where you can buy typical products there is definitely the website.
This is an ancient shop in Milan that entered the modern era of the web with a website from which you can buy any typical gastronomy product remotely.
There are therefore cold cuts, pasta and condiments, wines, oils and vinegars plus other specialties from all over Italy.
We can buy on Peck from here ->
4) Good shopping

A very good food shopping site is also Good Shopping, which mainly offers regional and gourmet specialties.
Definitely a refined shop, where you can find ingredients and haute cuisine dishes, artisan products and limited editions.
We can visit this site from here -> Good Shopping (closed)
5) Coop

Another great chain that we can take advantage of for online purchases is Coop and its Coop Online site.
With this site we will be able to choose the best products sold in the various stores and choose whether to have them put aside (to collect the shopping at a later time) or ask for delivery at home.
The site where you can buy Coop products online can be found here -> Coop Online .
6) Conad

Conad certainly stands out among the most widespread supermarket chains in Italy, with various local shops, supermarkets and hypermarkets distributed throughout Italy and always available to us.
Just like Coop, we can both choose products and have them stored pending our arrival (excellent if we are in a hurry and want to shop after work) and have the products delivered to our home.
The Conad website to order online is available here -> Conad .
7) Esselunga is another large supermarket chain that provides online shopping service, with home delivery, even during the day.
To do the shopping, you must first register in the online section of the Esselunga website.
8) Other supermarkets for online shopping
  • Auchan
  • Eurospin
  • Lidl
  • Iperal
  • Aldi
  • Selex
  • Pan Panorama
  • Tigros
  • CRAI
  • Despar
  • Eismann
  • Bofrost

9) Local shops
In addition to stores of this type, there are also local websites that allow the purchase and delivery of products, directly at home .
These do not distribute throughout Italy but only in the city in which they find themselves to meet those who cannot move.
From an article on Kataweb therefore we see that TriesteShop is in Trieste, in Rome you can shop at DelizieACasa or Spesaweb.
Surely in every big city but also in some of the smaller ones there is at least one online shop where you can buy fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, salami and packaged products.
In the sites seen so far you can pay by credit card, debit card or directly to the delivery of the product .
If you want to report other shops of this kind, just leave a comment saying also, in case, in which city it operates.
10) Other online stores
Other online supermarkets that deliver food, drinks and various types of food throughout Italy are:
  • MrTuscany with typical Tuscan specialties;
  • Specialized MagnaParma that Parma products;
  • XtraWine and WineShop to buy wine;
  • Beerparadise to buy craft beer online;
  • Bofrost with frozen products.

There are certainly many others, perhaps that deliver only near their own home and that are worth discovering and trying.
How to read flyers online and save money with coupons and discount coupons
If we want to discover the best offers of the shops immediately, just know that it is possible to read online the flyers of the offers of large commercial chains and supermarkets, so as to keep you updated on the offers and products offered for sale.
If you want to save money while shopping online, you will be pleased to know that many sites offer good discounts and codes to be printed to be used on some of the shops mentioned, even in the form of a code to be inserted at the time of purchase.

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