Best Online Scientific Calculator and PC App

If with the calculator it is possible to instantly see the result of a math operation it is more complicated to find a tool that solves several operations together and that can help a math student solve entire problems, equations and functions, perhaps even with integrals and derivatives, to show him the errors and guide him step by step towards the solution. The calculator is therefore an indispensable tool for carrying out tasks and math exams but it has the limitation of not showing and making the user understand which error and above all which steps lead to the final result of a more complex operation such as an operation.
Below we therefore see above all the best online scientific calculators and graphs to use, better than the calculator included in the Windows, Linux or Mac system.
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1) An easy-to-use, high-level online scientific calculator is provided on the internet by the Ecalc website, not only a complete calculator but also a converter of measurement units. The main advantage is the clear and large graphical interface and ease of use better than a pocket calculator. The calculator can also be downloaded as a program for Windows and Mac PCs
2) Desmos Calculator is a website with a function calculator that generates graphs automatically. Full screen, with clean and clear graphics, it is one of the best online resources for mathematics students.
3) New program is SpeedCrunch, a very powerful online scientific calculator to install on Windows, Linux and Mac. The program is very functional with a simple and clear interface where the results are visible in a sliding display. Other features include: unlimited memory variables, full usability from keyboard or mouse (with virtual keyboard) or both, more than 50 mathematical functions included. Graphs can be visualized both in 2D and in 3D (three dimensions) and it has in memory the main values ​​of the mathematical constants. Another very important feature is the intelligent automatic completion that allows you to make corrections and guide the student without making mistakes in writing expressions and functions. Finally, SpeedCrunch preserves and saves in a history on the PC, all the calculations made so that you can find them later and if necessary complete them without losing anything. Speedcrunch is also in Italian.
4) HomeschoolMath is a free website for learning math online, with an Algebra calculator useful for solving most exercises, such as simplifying expressions, solving equations, factorization, matrix calculation and much more.
5) CalcTape is a calculator for making simple math calculations, writing them in a text.
6) Uno Calculator is the online version of the Windows 10 calculator, made open source by Microsoft and now usable via the website.
7) Another highly reliable scientific calculator to download as a free program is Encalc, an excellent scientific calculator that includes support for variables and units of measurement.
8) Solve My Math offers some calculators including Fraction Calculator, Equation Calculator, Percentage Calculator, Polynomial Calculator.
9) An excellent scientific calculator for writing formulas and math operations is RedCrab
9) A high quality online scientific calculator is Web2.0 Calc which also allows you to solve very complex functions. Numerous aids with formulas already written are available on the site by clicking on the "Help" button. Finally, there is also the possibility to share the calculations with all the other users who will use the site and ask for community support.
10) The free and open source program LibreOffice has an excellent tool called "Formula" which allows you to write equations on a Word sheet .
11) To solve math problems, the website, which offers an automatic solver with explanations in Italian, could be very useful.
12) Microsoft Word is also capable of writing and solving any type of equation, function or math problem .
For Windows 10 only, we have some excellent applications, different in graphics and options, to have a scientific calculator
  • Windows 10 calculator, the one already installed, is an excellent calculator app.
  • Calc Pro HD Free
  • Calculator + HD
  • Calculator²
  • Calculator X8
  • Super Calculator
  • Calculator +

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