Invisible on Whatsapp to hide last access

Online privacy is the big totem of recent years, with websites and applications that hardly offer us the degree of confidentiality that we want on our data and on our business.
As for WhatsApp, you can notice a certain difficulty in hiding and being offline for a while, without necessarily having to turn off the phone.
While for other applications and sites it is rather easy to disconnect for a while and become invisible on WhatsApp this is not possible, unless you interrupt the phone's Internet connection or if you uninstall the application.
Regardless of whether the reading receipts with a blue check mark or not are deactivated, in the end the sender can still be sure that we have read his messages if we have been detected online on his WhatsApp. This is because the moment we open WhatsApp, our name is shown as "Online" in the chat screens.
In this article we will show you all the effective methods to be invisible on WhatsApp hiding the last access without disabling the Internet and without silencing the mobile phone. Many of the procedures require the installation of apps designed for the purpose, necessary to hide our online presence.

How to become invisible on WhatsApp

We can use various methods to become completely invisible on WhatsApp, both by using the tools available to the app itself and by installing other apps designed for the purpose, so that we can also hide our last access and still read the messages received.

How to set up WhatsApp to become "invisible"

The best solution to become invisible on WhatsApp, even if it may seem laborious initially, is to change some application settings.
There are three steps to do this: disable WhatsApp ringtones without silencing your phone, delete notifications for new messages on the notification bar, stop WhatsApp from remaining running in the background.
  • To turn off the WhatsApp ringtone without silencing the phone, you need to change the ringtones and put a silent one. There is no option in WhatsApp to silence all notifications in one go, the only one is to use a silent ringtone. In WhatsApp> Settings> Notifications, we select the tone identified as No ringtone; if we do not see anything like this on our phone, we use the voice recorder app, record two seconds of silence (maybe putting a finger on the microphone), save the file and use it as a notification tone and call ringtone.
  • To disable WhatsApp notifications, go to Android settings, go to the App> Open the list of apps, select WhatsApp, touch Notifications and disable all notifications for WhatsApp, including also vibrations, popups and any LED lights. Now, when a message arrives from Whatsapp the phone will not only not display anything, but there will also be no audible warnings. This can also be done on the iPhone by going to Settings> Notifications . In this regard, we also invite you to read our guide on How to Silence Whatsapp and disable notifications on Android and iPhone .
  • To prevent WhatsApp to remain active to send our status and receive messages, without putting Airplane mode and without turning off the phone's internet connection, you can terminate the application. We open the phone settings (under the general settings of Android) go to the App > Open the list of apps, select WhatsApp and tap on the button to end it or to force shutdown. Then we also disable the Data in the background (at the internal of the Data Use option) and, finally, we revoke all the authorizations and permissions for WhatsApp.
By applying all these steps to the letter we will have "killed" WhatsApp completely without uninstalling it.
When we have to read the messages, we set airplane mode and open the app, then close it again and end any app left in memory before returning online, so as to be truly invisible without having to install any additional app.
If instead we want to hide the time of the last access on WhatsApp, we can do it without additional apps directly in the settings from the privacy controls in the WhatsApp settings .

By setting Last Login to None, we will not send any information about the last time we were online; to compensate, however, we will no longer be able to see the last access of friends. To maintain this privilege, you will not have to hide your online presence on Whatsapp from the settings.
To learn more, we recommend reading our guide on how to be offline in WhatsApp .

App to hide last access

If we want to avoid all this inconvenient maneuver to be invisible on WhatsApp we recommend installing an application called Unseen, currently available only for Android.

This app works as an additional client that interfaces directly with WhatsApp notifications (which must remain active): as soon as a new WhatsApp Unseen notification arrives, it "reads" it and shows it inside its interface, so as to avoid to be online on the main app.
Obviously to be able to answer or hear the voice notes we will necessarily have to open WhatsApp, but just follow the tips seen above to be always invisible.
Another way to silence WhatsApp and become invisible involves the use of a Firewall app such as NoRoot Firewall on Android, fully functional even without root permissions or system unlocks.

Firewalls on mobile devices allow users to block Internet connectivity to individual apps, without blocking browsing on other apps or sites.
We can therefore prohibit WhatsApp from connecting and downloading data, while leaving the phone active and functioning in all other functions. When we need to read the messages, just unlock WhatsApp and resume using it normally.

How to become invisible only to some contacts

If you want to become invisible on WhatsApp only for one or more selected contacts, you can enter their numbers in the blocked list.

As already explained, to block people and numbers on WhatsApp we will only have to enter the application settings on both Android and iPhone, go to Account> Privacy> Blocked contacts and add the phone numbers or contacts to which we want to be always offline.


Being completely invisible on WhatsApp is possible, but in many cases we will have to compromise in order to still be able to read messages or to reply to them: if we do not want to be online for a contact we might as well not add it or block it, we do it first!
In another similar guide we showed you ways to read Whatsapp messages without opening them (and letting the sender know it) .
If, on the other hand, we are looking for other useful guides to increase our privacy when using WhatsApp, we recommend you read our Whatsapp guides : hide check messages read and last access and Hide Whatsapp photos and videos from the Gallery .

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