Send note files and links from PC to Android and iPhone and vice versa

Some of us work simultaneously on multiple devices together, standing in front of the computer, with the smartphone on the side and maybe even the screen of the tablet on the side.
One great thing that has made Chrome superior to other web browsers is the synchronization of content, so that all your favorite sites and those visited by your PC can also be opened from your Android smartphone or tablet or even iOS using Chrome with the same Google account. In addition to this we can add another great app called PushBullet which is used to "push" files and other contents from the PC to your Android smartphone or tablet or on iPhone and iPad in an easy way.
If you have an Android device, PushBullet is an easy way to send files, notes, links, reminders and addresses to your mobile phone or tablet and vice versa, to send them from Android or from an iPhone to your PC
This content sent from the desktop can then be opened easily by touching the Android notification bar, with the right app.
READ ALSO: How to send website links from PC to mobile quickly
To use PushBullet you need to install the app on Android, open it and log in using your Google account.
If you have an iPhone, you can search for the Pushbullet app
Before you can send files from your computer, you must always access the Pushbullet website with the same Google account registered also on Android or iPhone. The website will already have associated the device to which the files or contents to be sent will be transferred. from the Pushbullet website it is therefore easy to push the various types of content to our mobile phone or tablet by specifying the type of object: note, address, list, files and links. Sending files is direct and allows you to upload individual files from your computer to your smartphone, very useful for transferring apk files to be installed for example. You can also send the address of a website to the device by sending a link.
The sending of web pages is immediate if you use Pushbullet as an extension for Chrome or Firefox and have a send button always accessible from the browser interface.
Furthermore, with the extension installed, you can also right-click on a link to send it to Android.
It is also possible to send notes and links from one Android / iPhone device to another using the PushBullet app on the device from which it is sent, by touching the icon in the upper right corner. With this same app, if you have installed the Pushbullet extension in Chrome or Firefox, you can also send a file from Android to PC, useful for example, to send a photo or video to your computer quickly.
In recent versions it is also possible to synchronize the copy and paste notes between PC and smartphone and receive notifications from the Android mobile phone on the computer .
There are a few limitations in PushBullet: The files that can be sent cannot be larger than 10 MB and multiple files cannot be transferred simultaneously. If Pushbullet isn't enough, then a cloud app like Dropbox, Google Drive or Onedrive is needed.

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