Watch the Earth live from space, live footage and HD videos

Although it seems strange that to date they haven't thought about it yet, NASA has finally put a webcam on the International Space Station that goes around the Earth, broadcasting live images live.
There are 4 cameras attached to the ISS (International Space Station) and pointed towards the Earth from different angles that transmit live video in HD (high definition) quality in real time.
The result is truly sensational, with the view of the Earth from space, turning around slowly.
In addition to being relaxing, watching these images live in full screen is interesting to discover the world from space and the beauty of oceans and continents and of sunrise and sunset.
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In reality it is for now an experiment by NASA called High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) which wants to verify how the cameras manage to work in space and what effect radiation has on the equipment.
The images are sent to Earth and reformatted before being broadcast live on the Internet.
The footage is not continuous and there are often interruptions.
If you see the black screen, it means that it is night and there are no transmissions.
If the screen is gray instead or the direction is changing frame (the cameras only work one at a time) or there are technical problems (rather frequent).
Furthermore, if the crew is on duty, the cameras will be able to show the interior of the ISS while when the crew is out of service, the Earth will be seen turning.
Watching the video at the right time you get a surprising "Gravity" style result (if you haven't, go to the film site), walking in space and watching seas and lands like only astronauts can do live.
Below the live live video .

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