Create an infographic resume with timelines and graphs

Economic crises need to be addressed by doing things in a new and better way. Young people looking for work and already established professionals who instead want to change it, send the curriculum to companies by applying for a job. Human resources managers receive many resumes all similar to each other and make a very quick and superficial skimming to see who to call to an interview. The CVs, for a consolidated and, I would say, now old, approach are all the same, with the typical European CV format, written in black on white, with a more or less extensive list of experiences, studies and other details that are not they are read by nobody.
Despite this, according to some schools of thought and practice, it is still advisable to be anonymous, not to be original, to stick to the custom and write a curriculum made of small talk and uninteresting words.
Today, however, there are ways of creating a modern curriculum vitae, of great visual impact, much more professional, made more of graphics, interactive timelines and images rather than words. This is the infographic curriculum that can be shared online as if it were a professional web page.
Steve Jobs, who was a genius, began his famous speech at Stanford University: " Today I want to tell you three stories ... ".
Stories make the difference, telling professional facts in a non-boring way, without getting lost in long lists of what has been done, but focusing on a few things, the most significant.
So to get out of the competition of the job market and check it with respect to the other candidates (without paying attention to the old clichés), the best way is to write a different curriculum than usual, telling a story, using a few words, visually .
Hloom is a site where you can register to take advantage of an online tool called CV Builder and download different models to be used to create the infographic curriculum.
The beauty of Hloom is the speed with which it works, its ease of use and the freedom to personalize your CV in an original but always professional way.
The real value of this tool is the fact that all the added information is summarized graphically.
From the top right menu, click on Edit Resume and start with:
- Presentation : Name, Surname, biography (short, with date of birth, place of birth and little else) and, if you wish, attach your CV in Word format and a photo.
- Timeline where you have to insert the work experiences that can be ordered chronologically or in order of importance.
To add new experiences, just press the blue button at the bottom (Add New). - On Infographics you go to write your skills and further details on the work done: numbers achieved, responsibilities, skills, results obtained with percentages, languages ​​spoken and other information.
- Portfolio allows you to attach images or photos of what has been done.
- Education : where to list your studies and certificates.
Once you enter the information, you can preview your graphic resume. On the page you can change the background design and layout and you can arrange the various elements before or after. The focal point of the page is the huge header and the timeline that summarizes, in a graph, all your work experiences . Each skill added to the infographic is displayed with a pie or bar chart.
Since graphics are much more effective than just plain text on the web, you can choose to use many of Hloom's features to make your achievements more obvious. The new curriculum can be shared on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter and can be made visible on the Bing and Google search engines.
You can also generate the QRCode to share the page via mobile phone. The profile page with the infographic CV is always online accessible from an internet address that can be attached to the traditional CV for those who still claim the sending of a Word CV.
To find alternative and similar services it is necessary to use the sites to transform the Linkedin profile into a curriculum that can also be printed .
In other articles I remember:
- Fill in the online Curriculum vitae and examples of the European format
- How to send the CV and write the CV
- Publish your CV on the internet to look for work

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