Copy the contents of a file (text or image) without opening it

I found one of those small programs for Windows as simple as useful in carrying out daily work tasks.
In this case we talk about copy and paste: if you have to copy the contents of a text file or the image of a JPG file, as a rule, you open the file and, by the program to read it, press the Copy button.
To do much earlier you can use this tool called Copy Contents, which allows you to copy the contents of a file without opening it, selecting only the option that appears by pressing the file with the right button.
Basically, instead of opening the text file or the image and selecting the content and pressing the Ctrl + C keys, just press the file with the right mouse button and then click on Copy Contents to copy the content to the clipboard and paste it then where you want.
The application is a really small free download with no surprises that installs in half a minute on every version of Windows.
Once installed, you can immediately try right-clicking on a JPG, PCX, PNG, BMP, TGA, GIF and TIF image or on a simple TXT or SRT text file to copy the content from the context menu, without the need to open it.
A notification at the top right of the screen will notify you that the content has been copied.
You can then paste the text or image onto a document or wherever you want.
This program, very useful especially for those who work a lot with copying and pasting repeatedly, we can certainly insert it among the most useful Windows tools to add fast actions to the mouse and also in the list of small applications to improve Windows.

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