Activate the Android 6 secret menu to change the quick buttons in the status bar

One of the best tricks hidden in Android 6 Marshmellow, the latest update of the Android system for smartphones and tablets (which at the moment has only arrived on Nexus devices) is the secret menu of experimental and testing functions .
It is a beta configuration menu with some additional options that could, in subsequent updates, be confirmed in the general settings or change or even disappear.
For the moment this menu is called System UI Tuner which in the Italian version of Android 6 has been literally and badly translated: System user interface synthesizer .
The main part of this menu is represented by the options to customize the arrangement and appearance of the quick buttons (Cast, Hotspot, Bluetooth, Do not disturb, alarm clock, Wi-Fi, cellular data, GPS, flashlight etc.) that appear on the been up when it is pulled down.
As said, this interface synthesizer is hidden and not visible in the Android 6 settings.
To make this secret menu appear you must first access the developer menu.
Then go to the settings of the smartphone or tablet, then to Info on the phone, scroll down and repeatedly touch the build number until you are notified that the developer menu is available.
then go back to the general settings, tap on the developer menu and look for the option to activate the System User Interface Synthesizer, if there is one.
If it is not there, then go back to the main Android screen, pull down the status bar, tap and hold on the settings icon, the small gear at the top right.
After about 5 seconds or a little more than keeping the finger pressed on the gear, a notification appears warning that the new menu has been added.
Note that, after activating the secret menu, the gear icon changes and presents a small wrench.
Going back to the settings, the last one down is our System User Interface Synthesizer, where you can enter to change options that are not accessible to it.
The most important of these is the choice of quick menu buttons on the status bar .
In edit mode you can move the buttons where you want and add new ones by pressing the + at the bottom.
Using the other option of the secret menu, status bar, you can instead remove the buttons that you do not want in the quick settings.
For each of them you can turn off the switch so that it disappears.
In the menu of the Tuner UI there is also an option to make the battery charge percentage appear on its icon at the top right of the screen, which is very convenient (you can also see the charge percentage on Android 4.4 and 5) .
The last option on the menu is the demo mode, which should work to keep the phone on and showing when it is in the shop window.
In demo mode the status bar does not show notifications, the battery icon shows a full charge, the time remains fixed at 6 in the morning and the wifi icon is activated.
No settings change, it's just a visual trick.
Other options may and should appear here in the future, while it is also possible that it will remove the ones that are there now.
This is a hidden menu, very different from the one for developers, made for users who want to try out preview functions during the study phase.

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