Music apps to turn words into music or a Rap (Android and iPhone)

With an iPhone, an iPad or with an Android mobile phone or tablet you can listen to music like an iPod or another type of MP3 player.
We have seen, in particular:
- The best Android apps to hear music
- App to listen to music on iPhone and iPad .
So far completely normal, but with Android and iOS on the iPhone and iPad you can also play, create music and do strange things such as, for example, transforming a simple speech into words into a Rap song or a normal song .
1) AutoRap is a really curious application that transforms every person into an expert rapper ready for a rhyming challenge with Fabri Fibra.
The application is completely automatic and you just need to speak into the microphone, let the app work and then magically listen to the new Rap song .
There is no need to think about a joke or a rhyme or even try to speak as fast as possible because AutoRap does it all by itself.
Autorap can be downloaded free for Android and at a price of 2.60 Euros for iPhone and iPad.
Launch AutoRap, tap the screen once and start rapping right away (although there are some customizable settings).
By default, the application has two beats that can be used as the background for the song. There are other usable bases, although only a few are free.
There are two modes of use: Talk and Rap.
If you select Rap you can create a new version of a famous song while with Talk you can create a new song from scratch.
AutoRap is really a must-have for fans of this musical genre and is also valid for having a laugh with friends.
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2) From the same Autorap developers, there is also Songfy which is similar but allows you to create songs of different genres, not necessarily Rap.
Songify (no longer exists) transforms simple audio recordings into self-tuned music tracks with different rhythms in just a few taps.
There is no need to sing and anyone can create a song.
All you have to do is speak into the microphone and get the music app to work.
Songify also has its own small social network where users around the world can share their songs.
The application uses different background music to create a song (the extra bases are paid).
The fun is to start talking or singing by pressing the large circular button in the center of the screen that appears when you start the application.
You can choose a music preset to select the genre of song to be created.

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