15 Extensions to improve Google search using Chrome

Searching with Google is a quick and fast activity when you need to find a definition, a meaning, a recipe or a tutorial, while when you want to find information on more specific things it may be necessary to open more results and scroll the pages before you get to be satisfied. Using Google Chrome to navigate you can install some extensions to enhance the search with Google, get better, personalized, more precise results or with specific exclusions.
Here are the Chrome extensions to improve the search on Google, which are not all to be installed, but among which you can choose the most useful ones according to the need.
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1) Advanced Google search
Google's advanced search features allow you to use parameters and make your results more relevant. This extension opens a box where you can quickly configure Google's advanced search options, such as selecting pages updated by a certain date, excluding results that contain a word, including sites that have that word in the title or body text and several other special filters.
We talked about Google's advanced search tricks in another article.
2) Google search filter
With this extension it is possible to exclude some sites from searches and also to highlight other sites. If we don't want a certain site to appear in our searches, just write it in the box of this extension.
3) See picture button
As explained in another article, it is possible to return the see image button to be able to open the images found in Google without having to load the entire site that hosts them.
4) Search by image (Google)
From Google Images it is possible to search by image to find other similar ones, but by installing an extension it is possible to do this search by right-clicking on any photo or image found on the internet. If on a site you see a photo you want to look for, then just press the right button to send it to search for similar images.
5) Search key from the contextual menu
Using Chrome, just select a text with the mouse and then press on it with the right button to search for that text on Google, saving time in making copy and paste. With this extension you can add options to search for that phrase directly on Wikipedia or using other search engines.
6) Similar Google pages
If you find a site we like, it can be convenient to search for similar pages with this Google extension.
7) Preview image of the results
The preview is an interesting feature that allows you to see a small image of the web page of each result. In this way it is possible to understand if the site you want to open is good or if it is not worth it. The extension works automatically on Google results pages.
8) Search inside a site
This extension allows you to search on a specific site, which inside Google can be done with the site: operator. You can therefore stay on Navigaweb.net and press the button of this extension to do an internal search on this site.
9) Faster Google search
This extension allows you to speed up the loading of search results when they are clicked. Thanks to this extension, the results links are all direct and do not go through google.com (Google uses this system to track clicks).
10) Infinite Scroll
With the extension of infinite scrolling, you can see all the results on one page, scrolling down the page for each search on Google. Since the extension doesn't load the next set of results until you scroll to the bottom of the page, it won't increase the load time of the search.
12) Resulter
This is the extension to use if you want to search on Google using keyboard combinations and not the mouse.
You can then select and open results using the arrow keys and Enter and use other useful shortcuts to move faster to the results. One of the best features is the ability to display a search result site in a pop-up box.
13) Highlight Keywords for Google Search
This is a really convenient extension that allows you to highlight, in the web page that is opened by clicking a result, the words you are looking for, so that you can immediately see where we are talking about the thing that interests us.
I had already talked about it in the list of tools to highlight text of websites and web pages and share quotes
14) Dark Theme for Google . This is the extension to change the color of Google pages and see them with a black background.
15) Voice search .
With this extension installed, you can click the microphone button that appears on the search box on the main Google page and search by voice.
READ ALSO: 10 ways to search with Google and find precise results

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