See who stops following you or be friends on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Those who care a lot about statistics, may want to check the number of friends or "followers" in social networks like Twitter and Facebook.
To know the name of those who remove us from friends from Facebook, those who stop following us on Twitter other social networks such as Instagram and Google+, there are some online services that make this operation easy.
Check who is no longer a friend on Facebook
On how to track who cancels the friendship on Facebook I had already written an article in the past that still remains current.
You can in fact install an extension called Who Deleted Me which is used both to see who is no longer a friend on Facebook, and to check pending or rejected friend requests .
alternatively you can also install the Social Fixer extension which, among other things, keeps track of people who stop being friends on Facebook.
In Social Fixer you have to go to the Layout tab and then to the Friend Tracker section.
No extension works retroactively, so it's not possible to see who has lifted the friendship in the past.
See who stops following you on Twitter
There are tons of ways to verify account names that are no longer Twitter followers.
The easiest option is certainly the one offered by a Twitter application, Who Unfollowed Me, which lists the names of those who stop following us over the course of a week.
If you prefer to be notified immediately of an "unfollow", you can use the JustUnfollow app and receive notifications when someone no longer follows.
Those who stop following us on Instagram and Google+
As for the other social networks, it is possible to keep track of whoever stops following their activities quite easily:
With Instagram you can use Unfollowgram, very simple, it works both via mobile phone and from the PC.
It also gives a list of all those who don't return the "follow".
With this, you should have a good idea of ​​who doesn't want to hear your thoughts anymore. Just don't take too much personal information

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