Delete website history

All browsers store and save a list of all the websites and web pages you visit, unless you are expressly prevented with an option or if you use the browser's private mode.
This applies to all computers, both Windows PCs, Macs and even Android or iPhone tablets and smartphones.
Every browser, be it Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari or any other (unless it is designed with the express purpose of maintaining privacy), keeps the history of the websites saved, which is very useful for finding previously viewed sites, but which can be a privacy issue, since it can be spied on.
Eliminating the history of the sites is something you need to be able to do in order not to leave traces regarding private activities, in case there is the possibility that someone else may have access to them and can spy on what we have done and seen.
In addition, since deleting the entire history every time is not practical and can even arouse suspicion, you must also be able to remove only a few sites from the list and not all of them.
In this concise and schematic guide, we are going to find out how to delete the history of websites on the most used browsers, namely Chrome, Firefox and Safari, on Windows PC, Mac, iPhone and Android .
READ ALSO: Eliminate traces of what you do on your PC by deleting history and references
1) Delete Chrome history (applies to PC, Mac, iPhone and Android)
Press the key with three lines at the top right, go to " Other tools " and then to " Clear browsing data ".
In the basic view you can select what to delete and to delete the websites you must check that the " browsing history " option is selected
Before pressing OK, you can limit the time period and delete only the last visits made the last hour or the last day or the last week.
Going to Settings> History, you can find the whole saved list and manually delete only some sites visited by clicking the button on the right next to the address.
If on Chrome you want to activate an option that automatically clears the history when you close the browser, you must install the Click'n Clean extension eliminates the browsing history when you close the browser and prevents you from tracking your online activities .
READ ALSO: Clear Google, Chrome and Android history
2) Firefox history
To delete the history of sites in Firefox on PC and Mac you can press the top button of the history, the one with the icon of a circular arrow that looks like a clock.
From the box that opens, you can decide to delete the recent history, the last 5 minutes, the last two hours or the last day, by pressing the Forget button.
To clear all the history, you have to go to Settings> Privacy and security and press the link under Save history
Here you can also decide not to save the history or use personalized settings, for example to always activate the anonymous browsing mode that does not keep track of the sites visited or you can activate the option that automatically clears the history when Firefox is closed.
In Firefox on Android and iPhone it is possible to clear the history by pressing the button at the top right and then going to History and pressing the Delete button.
3) Safari history
In Safari on Mac you can delete the history by going to the main menu, where the Clear History button is located immediately.
You can therefore delete the entire list of stored sites or only those visited in the last hour or last month.
In iOS on iPhone and iPad, the button that clears Safari's history is instead found in Settings> Safari> Clear website and history data .
READ ALSO: How to block the saving of the visited sites in the browser history

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