How to pronounce a word in all the languages ​​of the world

If you want to know how to pronounce a word in any foreign language, there is only one site to go to and it's called Forvo .
It is one of the absolute websites among the best in terms of quality of service and ease of use, to be definitely placed as a favorite or in the browser bookmarks.
Forvo is a real voice pronunciation engine that allows you to search for any word in any language of the world, to listen to its correct pronunciation with a human voice .
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Learning a foreign language can be frustrating, but everything is easier if you have the right tools.
Forvo is a database of words spoken in various languages ​​by native translators.
This means that words are not generated by a computer but recorded by voice by real people . In Forvo, anyone can register and search for new words to hear the pronunciation of or to add a new word (using the microphone).
In the search box, you can write a word and listen to the correct pronunciation. You can then browse the words according to the category or search for verbs, adjectives, pronouns and so on. If you want to know how an English word is pronounced, you can hear the voice in American, English, Scottish in Australian etc. You can also hear the pronunciation of rarer foreign languages ​​such as Burmese, Maori, Star Trek Klingon, Sanskrit and so on. If you are learning a particular language, you can subscribe to the Forvo feed and learn the pronunciation of a word a day.
Forvo is not a dictionary where you can see the meanings of words or their translation but only a search engine for pronunciations in all the languages ​​of the world. It is therefore different from the voice pronunciation service in English and instant translation with Google Translate which is a perfect interpreter in which all words can be found, but where the voice is artificial.
Do not forget, however, that the pronunciations of words in any language of the world can also be listened to using the Google search engine . For example, directly from the search engine, you can search for " pronounce window " to see a box appear with the button that allows you to hear the exact pronunciation, even with the possibility of slowing it down to better understand how to say it.
In another article the best online language translators are mentioned, among which the number one always remains Word Reference, at least for the English language.

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